Friday, May 31, 2019

The Civil War :: essays research papers

The Civil WarThe American Civil War was a grave turning point in the history of NorthAmerica. It was a involvement that pitted the Northern states of the American unionagainst the Southern states. The war raged for four years, from 1861 to 1865,and was marked by some of the fiercest armament campaigns in modern history. Inthis essay, you will learn the causes of the American Civil war, as headspring as theafter effects of the war.It has been extremely hard for historians to on the dot pin-point thecauses and effects of the war. The war itself had international impact, notonly because of the growing international status of the United States, but alsobecause war curseened world rile to the Souths cotton. Britain and Francewere the two main countries that had particular interest in the wars outcome,but other nations were as well effected by it. The civil war was a conflictover way of life. The Southern states depended upon the agriculture of theslaves, including cotton production . When Abraham capital of Nebraska was elected Presidentin 1860, his opposition of slavery was seen as a threat to the economicinterests of the Southern states. The South responded by seceding from the unionand founding the Confederate States of America in 1861. The first state tosecede was South Carolina, on celestial latitude 20, 1860. Mississippi, Florida, Alabama,Georgia, and Louisiana followed in January, 1861. Texas then also separated onFebruary 1st. Three days later on February 4th, 1861, delegates from thesestates drafted a constitution for the confederacy. Jefferson Davis, wasproclaimed president on February 18th. This was before Abraham Lincoln himselfeven became officially proclaimed President. The war began in 1861, whenconfederates open fired on Ft. Sumter, gaining control over the Port ofCharleston. On April 15th, Lincoln then called out 75,000 volunteers determinedto surpress the insurrection. It was the beginning of war. Virginia, NorthCarolina, Tennessee, and Arka nsas seceded in the Spring of 1861. By now, theConfederacy had 11 states, and were outnumbered by the union who had 23 states. cardinal confederate states would stand against twenty-three states of the union.The south had a population of nine million, and three million of them wereslaves. They were up against the north, who had over twenty-two million people.The war was well fought by both the North and South, and ended in 1865, with theNorth easily overpowering the South. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April14, 1865, 12 days before the final examination surrender of the confederacy. The war itselfcosted over $20 billion dollars.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Gun Control :: Second Amendment The Right To Bear Arms

Gun ControlA Well regulated militia, being necessary to thesecurity of a free State, the right of the heapto keep and bear arms , shall non be infringed.Amendment II, Bill of RightsConstitution of the U.S.The Second Amendment has been a major come out of the closet in American politics since1876. In question is the intent of this Amendment. Was it meant to insure thatpeople in general have arms for personal improvement, or was it intended to insurearms for military service? The nations powerful gun lobby, the National RifleAssociation, holds that it means the right to keep and bear arms -any arms.This privileged right is given to those 60-65 million people who subscribe to ownguns. The NRA also believes that human character defects cannot be changed by asimple standard of guns. They argue that problems with firearm ownershipcannot be, in any way, associated with whitlow violence. The lobbyist givecredibility to this statement by adding that criminal violence continues toincreas e in cities like New York and Washington DC, even though gun meetstatutes were put into affect. They point out that gun laws would not havestopped most addicted killers. According to the NRA, anti-crime measures arethe way to conquer urban violence, not anti-gun measures. The hope of mostmembers in the association is to educate people about guns. The association iswilling to reveal proper usage of guns to non-gun owners. They feel that thistraining could encourage reduce some of the tragedies involving guns.The issue of gun control has become a dividing line in America. To guncontrol activists, the issue is about crime and the regulation of the weaponsused to commit these crimes. In their opinion, law abiding citizens should haveno need for guns. In this respect, the big controversy seems shallow . However,to the NRA population, a much deeper issue is in question, the issue is freedom.The members believe that the Second Amendment is crucial to the maintenances ofthe democratic pro cess. From their point of view, people who advocate guncontrol are ready to disregard a constitutional right. They believe that, ifthe Second Amendment is abridged, the First Amendment will be the next to go.The Executive Branch of the Federal Government is in a high-profileposition on the issue of gun control. During this current Presidential electionseason, much rhetoric is being exchanged on the issue. It would almost appearthat one must mutation to either camp in order to receive the desired endorsement ofthe strong political lobby groups. In the case of Bob Dole, the Republican